Wednesday 1st December 2021
EKTG Webinar Technology and the Law.
Wednesday 3rd November, 2021
How do we really manage technology when some of us feel we already have too much of it?
To be uploaded
Date: 15th October 2021
Topic: AAL Forum 2021 - Value based eHealth
Date: Wednesday 6th October 2021
Topic: Technology for people who really are older (over 85) and the challenges!
Gerry Allmark, UK Telehealtcare, UK
Brigitte Buhrlen, EKTG International Ambassador, Germany
John Mcgrory, EKTG International Ambassador, Ireland
Chair: Richard Foggie, EKTG
Date: Wednesday 22nd September 2021
Topic: Good Technology in Care Homes
Margaret Dangoor
Andrew Marsh
Sarah Boland
Date: Wednesday 23rd June 2021,
Topic: Moving the Cyber and Sovereignty Debate Further
Speakers this time will be:
Paul Lukowicz, German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence, and University of Kaiserslautern, Germany,
Michael Short, Chief Scientific Advisor Department of International Trade, UK Government,
Peter Wintlev-Jensen, former EU Programme Manager, Industry and International Policy. now Independent Consultant,
Denmark and Aalborg University.
Date: Wednesday 9th June 2021
Topic: Social Policy and Technology
Our important International Government Speakers included:
The speakers will include:
Lord Best, Chairman Housing APPG, UK Parliament
Lisa Cameron, Member of Parliament, UK Parliament
Rait Kuuse, Social Policy Ministry, Estonia
Date: Wednesday May 26th,
Topic: Highlights of some EKTG Webinars: Technology in Difficult Times
A Review by Richard Foggie, KTN, and Maggie Ellis, EKTG
including mention of:
Ai-Lian Lim, International Ambassador, USA
Sarah Boland, St John of God Community Services, Ireland
Owen Farag, Technology Engagement Officer, ALONE, Ireland.
Ernie Graham, Graham Care, UK
Good technology in Care Homes
Tuesday 11th May 2021
The Webinar Team includes :
• Margaret Dangoor, Research Involvement Manager (DETERMIND), LSE, UK
• Ann Williams, Commissioner and Contact Manager, Liverpool City Council, UK
• Xandra van Megen, Researcher, Vilans, the Netherlands
• Chairperson: Antony Ward, EKTG Board
Speaking Technology so others can find
Date: Wednesday, 14th April 2021
The Webinar Team includes :
· Michael Mainelli, Z/Yen London, UK
· John Mcgrory, EKTG International Ambassador, Ireland
· Liz Mesthenaos, International Ambassador, Greece
· Chairman: Colin Ettinger, EKTG Board
Better Technology Training for my colleagues and ME!
Date: Wednesday, 17th March 2021
The Webinar Team includes :
Antony Ward – EKTG Chaired by
Brigitte Buhrlen, International Ambassador, Germany
Owen Farag, Technology Engagement Officer, ALONE, Ireland.
Jože Gričar, International Ambassador, Slovenia. Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Technology and Climate Change
Date: Wednesday, 3rd March 2021
The Webinar Team includes :
Craig White – EKTG Chaired by
Michael Mainelli, Senior Sheriff, City of London, UK
Katharina Rogenhofer, Austrian climate activist, co-founder of the Austrian branch of Fridays for Future. Vienna
Steve Martineau, COP26 High Level Climate Action Champions Lead - Mobile & ICT, UK
Shreyas Vangala, West Monroe, New York, USA
Topic Technology and Students in Training.
Date: Wednesday, 17th February 2021
The Webinar Team includes :
Maggie Ellis - Chaired by
John Mcgrory, EKTG Int Ambassador, Ireland,
Claudia Fernandez, PHd Student Ireland
Adhikar Naidu, earlier LSE MSc Student and now back from India and running a Company doing innovation.
When Sovereignty Leads Digital Policy Follows
Date: Wednesday, 3rd February 2021
The Webinar Team includes:
Paul Timmers, is a Senior Advisor at the European Policy Centre, Brussels and an investor in digital innovation,
Paul Lukowicz, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, and University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, and a UK Speaker,
Henk-Herman Napp. Chaired by EKTG International Ambassador, The Netherlands.
Mike Short, Chief Scientific Adviser, Department for International Trade, Westminster, UK
Develop Collaboration in ICT for Elderly and Technology:
Challenge, Risk, Barriers and Opportunities.
Date: Wednesday, 20th January 2021
The Webinar Team includes several EKTG International Ambassadors:
Colin Ettinger - EKTG Chairman
Liz Mestheneos, International Ambassador, Greece
Rafael des Andres Medina, Management Board, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain
Monique Epstein of Association e-Seniors, Paris